Fat-Free Milk
But sometimes, you just want to enjoy your cereal in fat silence.
Seedless Spokeswoman
Are there many that aren't?
It Said So On the Label: Curling Iron
And other things too?
It Said So On the Label: IKEA Trendig
It Said So On the Label: Tablecloth at Pho Than Brothers (West Seattle)
I wonder if the label used to say America's French Fabric.
(Is what I would say if this was 2006 and riffing on freedom fries was still relevant at all. Which it obviously isn't. Carry on, folks. Carry on.)
It Said So On the Label: Butterfinger Promo Code
I'm supposed to call to learn about my promo code?
It Said So on the Label: A Slipper by Any Other Name
It Said So On The Label: Vitamin Water
A copywriter was actually paid to come up with the description "water beverage." THIS COULD BE ME!