I was at least 22 the first time I heard about people owning more than one set of sheets. She was the fiancee of my coworker/carpool buddy and she mentioned, totally in passing, like it was a universal truth, changing her sheets every Sunday. I was floored.
"You do laundry every week?"
She was confused. "No? I just put on different sheets."
I should clarify that I did not spend my youth in squalor and I am positive my parents' closets are overflowing with thread count. In fact, I may have had weekly (or maybe bi-weekly) fresh sheets myself. But it was such a periphery to my growing-up years, something that came along with Family Laundry Day, I didn't even notice.
Fast forward to post-college life. What I did notice was how many quarters it takes to do one load of laundry and what a time suck it is to wait for a spin cycle because god forbid you leave your laundry in the dyer for three minutes past the buzzer else risk them being tossed onto the floor (or in the case of my favorite, very special 500+ thread count sheets, being stolen because damn if those puppies aren't soft).
The obvious solution, the one that apparently comes with age and wisdom and disposable income and reading Jolie Kerr, is to buy more than one set of sheets you enjoy sleeping in.
It's that easy! Plus, sheets are pretty. They nicely fill that hole on your Christmas list. If you have flannel ones, they keep you warm in the winter!
I now own a total of three sets of sheets: flannel ones, my favorite ones, and other ones that I don't love but will do in a pinch if I don't feel like laundry. Just like a real adult!
One day I will live in a place big enough to have a linen closet and that linen closet will be bursting.