Ripple Effect

by Emma

I watch one season of New Girl and, okay fine, most of a season of Alphas on my boyfriend's Netflix account and all of the sudden his curated Top 10 include:

Once Upon a Time

LOL featuring Miley Cyrus

How I Met Your Mother



That is half of a Top 10 that he'll never be able to get back.


I would be worried about what impact my hijacking his Top 10 might have on our relationship if I wasn't so busy catching up with Olivia and her gladiators. 


Annals of Body Hair

by Emma

Trying to figure out if a hint of a happy trail on a girl (read: me) has as much cachet as a hint of a happy trail on a boy.

Today I learned...

by Emma

...that doorknobs will be banned in Vancouver, Canada


In other news, my sure-thing job turned out to be a not-so-sure-thing job, and I am officially, for the first time since September 2009, unemployed! Phone interview next week. Fingers crossed, please.


My fledgling excitement re: my nest egg of a zulily IPO is indeed fledgling compared to the nest mansion of certain members of the zulily tech team.


This seems mean...but I am laughing so hard I am crying in public. A video montage of beautiful people who think they are posing for a picture, but it's actually film. Oh the faces. 


A conversation with my barista, who I think might hate me:

Barista: how is your day going?

Me: oh, it's just starting. 

Barista: oh.

Me: how is yours?

Barista: well it certainly isn't just starting.

Me: mmmmhmmm


How do yarmulkes stay on? These jokers can't seem to provide a clear answer. 


Yesterday I pitched a story about dog poop to a hip blog. Haven't heard back, and not sure I will.


Tween Spotting: In Which I Stalk Anna F. On The Internet

by Emma in

On Saturday, I volunteered with the Seattle chapter of 826 in a College Entrance Essay Marathon: three hours one-on-one with 17- and 18-year-olds from Ballard trying their damndest to get into a good school.

My student, Anna F., is currently attempting to apply to no less than 18 colleges and universities, with a goal of trimming it down to around 12. This still feels Herculean (not to mention extraordinarily expensive) to me, but I digress. 

Everything I learned about Anna F. from her personal statement and supplementary essays

Anna F. is the captain of her high school soccer team

She also plays soccer on a local club team

Anna F. has decided not to pursue soccer at the collegiate level, but is still interested in playing recreationally

She is the Editor of her school newspaper

She is not confident in her SAT test scores

Her entire family - grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins - all live within a five-minute drive of her house.

Her family wants her to go to the University of Washington

She eats and apple before going to bed every night

She apologizes too much without meaning it and gets made fun of for it.

If she actually does feel sorry, she does more than say "i'm sorry' but she isn't quite sure what that is.

She likes to travel and has thus far been to: London, Mexico, Costa Rica and Norway.

She doesn't like the taste of chocolate.

Her favorite book is On the Jellicoe Road and is about a girl named Taylor whose mother leaves her at a 7-11 where she is found by the headmistress of a boarding school, and brought up there. Anna F. appreciates Taylor's vim and vigor (my words, not hers)

Anna F.'s top choice for school is Brown, but she doubts she will be accepted.

She spells Space Needle like this: Spaceneedle


After 3.5 hours of brainstorming and editing and eating fruit snacks together, I am 100% invested in Anna's getting into the college(s) of her choice. I'm desperate to find out where she ends up. I gave her my personal email address and she looked at me like I was pretty much bonkers and said "thanks" in that way like she was confused why I would do something like that: "" I assume she's tossed it by now, and so I am all over her on the internet. 

Things I have learned about Anna F. by Googling

Her Facebook page is set to private. Smart girl.

She is the face of Rebecca Anne Photography's 2013 Senior Portrait special flyer.

anna f.jpg