4 Ways I Celebrate Getting the Job I Wanted

by Emma

1. Take off most of my clothes because negotiating over the phone makes me pretty sweaty.

2. Call my mom. Call my dad. Text my brother. IM my fiance-in-law. IM my boyfriend. IM my friend Patrick. Email my friend Katie. Update Facebook.

3. Google "how long to wait before updating LinkedIn with new job." (The forums are all over the board, but most say sometime in the first two weeks of new employment, in case you were wondering.)

4. Eat a bagel.

4 Ways I Manage My Anxiety While Job Hunting

by Emma

1. Be a total sad sack and ruin plans with people who are trying to be nice to me.

2. Lie on top of my bed and check my email every four to six minutes.

3. Fantasize about contingency plans in the case I don't get a job. This can include ideas such as:

  • Become an occupational therapist!
  • Become a full-time freelancer!
  • Get married to someone with lots of money!
  • Lose 12 to 18 pounds and try to be a super model.

4. Start using Twitter.

I Modeled for Lu. : Or, I Kind of Miss My Long Hair

by Emma

Last year I modeled for Lu. which is enormously cool on two different levels: 

1. Lu. has amazing clothes, great style and a founder I adore.

2. I get to have a set of pictures where my skin is photoshopped into glow-y perfection.

Pic by A. J. Ragrasa. You can check out his whole Lu. shoot here.

Pic by A. J. Ragrasa. You can check out his whole Lu. shoot here.

The whole experience was pretty exciting. I'm not really a real model (strapping on a fake baby bump and posing for zulily notwithstanding), but I think I've always wanted to be on some level because I like having my makeup done for me and I like wearing clothes I could never afford and I like not smiling at the camera. In my mind, these are the top three qualities every model must have. Notice how body shape/size does not make it to the top three. This is probably why I'm not a real model.

This shoot was done by Will Miller. You should most certainly check him out.

This shoot was done by Will Miller. You should most certainly check him out.

Now that the whole Lu. site is up and the photographers are sharing their pictures and I get to look at everything together, I miss my long hair, even though it kind of felt like a blanket on top of my head.

Last one!

Also by A.J. Ragasa

Also by A.J. Ragasa

Here I Resolute

by Emma

The formidable Katie Christian requires one to reflect as well as project come each New Year. Last year's reflections included:

Turns out when you don't do much in a year, you end up grasping at straws. Yes, deleting friends from Facebook made the list. So did not dying.

This year turned out to be much more eventful, with actual landmarks and notable events. I had to divide each line of 2013 reflections into two lines! And 2014 is already here and I'm still trying to figure out what to do with myself, but I think I've bulleted out a good start.

That same Katie also inspired me with her resolution to buy a watch and an alarm clock to cut (some of) the ties to her cell phone. Amazing goal! RESOLUTE!

What are some of yours?

Some of the Things I am Afraid Of

by Emma

Contracting a difficult-to-diagnose autoimmune disease

Becoming so addicted to my mascara that I refuse to be seen without it

Being mesmerized by the headlights of oncoming cars at night and, like a moth to the flame, driving into them


Being wrongfully convicted of a serious crime

Getting engaged to someone I later realize I don't want to be engaged to and then having to break it off way too close to the wedding date

Contracting any type of worm or parasite that comes out of your anus

Being videotaped expressing a dumb opinion after being stopped on the street and then seeing it aired on the local evening news