I'm not sure what possesses me to attempt a new hairstyle in the morning before work. Inevitably I'll be 20 minutes late with only a scuzzy ponytail to show for it.
Saturday, 2pm
I will watch all of the Brittany Murphy movies available on Netflix. Stay tuned.
A Partial List of Men My Mother & I Both Have Crushes On
Michael Caine
Jack Black
Matt Damon
Geoffrey Rush (but not in Pirates of the Caribbean)
Paul Bettany
Owen Wilson
A little bit Jude Law (he looks too much like my uncle - her brother - for either of us to really get 100% on board)
Brown hair bangs long faces singing
Charlotte & Fiest
It Said So On the Label: IKEA Trendig
I don't know about you, but my day is nowhere near complete until I've rubbed the sock lint out from between each of my toes.
Picking a Paint Color for My New Apartment
Please cast your votes!
Turns out, there is little more clumsy than trying to blow one's nose while wearing mittens.
Cedar Street
I know I'm not blowing any minds here, but moving is truly terrible.