Some Things I Used to Think Were Great, But Now I Kind Of Hate

by Emma

Driving in my car

Wearing clothes from the boy's section of Goodwill

Blueberry pie

Ashlee Simpson

Talking on the phone just to catch up

Good Charlotte

Shirts with logos 

Wearing a bra to bed

Shimmery eye shadow


Ranch dressing on steak

Calling my brother "Al" really loudly in front of his friends

Naps that last longer than 30 minutes

Car camping

Guys with dyed black hair

Drinking straight gin


Previously, Some Things I Used to Think Were Awful, But Now I Kind of Like

Some Things I Used to Think Were Awful, But Now I Kind of Like

by Emma


Waking up before 10am on Saturdays

Season 1 of Parks & Rec

The scene in Austin Powers where Dr. Evil makes people fall into that fiery pit


Pubic hair

Eggs with runny yolks

The Catcher in the Rye

The way goosebumps look

Not showering every day

Mid-rise jeans


Having to talk on the phone to order takeout 

Gargling with hot salt water

Lentils in all their forms


Reasons to Date Skinny Guys

by Emma

1. You never get a crick in your neck from sleeping in their shoulder/chest nook

2. Extra shirts


Obviously, these are reason enough for me, but there surely must be even more. What did I leave out?