Some Things I Used to Think Were Great, But Now I Kind Of Hate
Driving in my car
Wearing clothes from the boy's section of Goodwill
Blueberry pie
Ashlee Simpson
Talking on the phone just to catch up
Good Charlotte
Shirts with logos
Wearing a bra to bed
Shimmery eye shadow
Ranch dressing on steak
Calling my brother "Al" really loudly in front of his friends
Naps that last longer than 30 minutes
Car camping
Guys with dyed black hair
Drinking straight gin
Previously, Some Things I Used to Think Were Awful, But Now I Kind of Like
Some Things I Used to Think Were Awful, But Now I Kind of Like
Waking up before 10am on Saturdays
Season 1 of Parks & Rec
The scene in Austin Powers where Dr. Evil makes people fall into that fiery pit
Pubic hair
Eggs with runny yolks
The Catcher in the Rye
The way goosebumps look
Not showering every day
Mid-rise jeans
Having to talk on the phone to order takeout
Gargling with hot salt water
Lentils in all their forms
It Said So On the Label: Tablecloth at Pho Than Brothers (West Seattle)
I wonder if the label used to say America's French Fabric.
(Is what I would say if this was 2006 and riffing on freedom fries was still relevant at all. Which it obviously isn't. Carry on, folks. Carry on.)
An Open Letter to Mark Duplass
Dear Mark Duplass,
I have grown quite fond of you, even though I can never seem to remember that your name isn't Mark Ruffalo.
My Greasy Hair: This Is Becoming a Situation
This is me, this morning, in my bathroom doing my hair. My clean hair.
Wait, what's that you say? That is your hair clean!?
Turns out, there is about three inches of my head and hair that I cannot get un-greasy. IS THIS NORMAL? I washed my hair, let it air dry, slept on it, woke up with a perfect shiny pretty coif (INCLUDING MY BANGS WHICH ARE NEXT TO MY FOREHEAD WHICH IS THE GREASIEST PLACE ON THE HUMAN BODY EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT) except for the part you see.
Does anyone else have this problem? AM I A GREASY FREAK?
Also! Can anyone take a picture in this exact pose and not get a double chin like I have in this picture? I challenge you to try and then send me the pictures of your inevitable failure. #doublechinsforlife #twoisbetterthanone
Lady Boners
I had my first lusty lady dream on Sunday mid-morning. In its honor, a partial list of my #girlcrushes. The fact that most of them show up in The Good Wife is by no means an accident.
But also, how cute is Audrey Tatou?
Reasons to Date Skinny Guys
1. You never get a crick in your neck from sleeping in their shoulder/chest nook
2. Extra shirts
Obviously, these are reason enough for me, but there surely must be even more. What did I leave out?
4 Times I Was a Maternity Model Although I Was Not Pregnant
Yoga Mom
Inspiration: Imagining if Gwenyth Paltrow was pregnant. Imagining if Madonna was pregnant. Imagining if The Mona Lisa was pregnant.
What I learned: Sitting cross-legged at 8 months is probably not going to happen, even if your belly is strapped on with Velcro. I don't care how bendy you are from yoga.
Suburban Beachwalk Mom
Inspiration: Getting ready to suntan my imaginary stretchmarks. Lording over other moms that my pregnancy never affected my thighs/ass.
What I learned: Maternity denim is way more comfortable than regular denim. Why can't all jeans have a stretchy jersey waistband?
Serenely Expecting Mom
Inspiration: Was that a kick? Oh look up there! What a pretty hummingbird feeder.
What I learned: Pregnancy horomones do wonders for a girl's hair. JUST KIDDING! It's all curlers and mousse.
Late Dinner at Sorella Mom
Inspiration: You should see how big my boobs are now. I splurged on a $47 lace maternity thong. My swollen ankles don't hurt a bit when you look at me like that.
What I learned: Wrap dresses are the asnwer to any question I have ever had.
Chalkboard Kitty Cuts
Quick birthday card from me and Matt for the lovely Sadie Rose, inspired by pork chops and flank steak.