There's a certain sort of relief you only feel when you let out a big fart right before someone else walks into the bathroom.
I Was a Mouth Model
a.k.a. peach fuzzin'
Vasovagal Episode
When you hit your elbow and it gives you a concussion.
Stuck in the South
Weird Things My Friend's New Roommate Does
"He also leaves the kitchen garbage can in the middle of the kitchen floor. I thought it was there just from the mess of me moving in or something. So I moved it to the end of the counter. And he moved it back to the middle of the kitchen floor. Twice."
It Said So On the Label: Curling Iron
And other things too?
A pert shirt knot.
Summer Cocktail
Please ignore my giantess hand.
Please ignore my giantess hand.
About six months ago I decided to grow out the bangs I have had on-and-off for 12 years. This seemed simple enough. Bangs are supposed to be the fastest growing part of your hair, and since I was going to lop off about 10 inches of hard-earned length, I figured my goal of an all-one-length long bob à la this girl on Pinterest was mere weeks away.
But now it's two months until my brother's no-bangs-updo-please wedding and I am stuck in the above dumpy, middle-of-the-face length. Seriously stuck. My hair dresser told me at my rate I have about six to eight months before I'm at my Pinterest goal. Bring on the supplements.
My Hair-Growing Cocktail
1 capsule viviscal
1 capsule biotin
every day
Only two ingredients ... it's the rum and coke of the hair world.
It has taken me no less than 26 years, 10 months and 20-some odd days to learn that the wavy half of the bobby pin goes down, not up.