This is me, this morning, in my bathroom doing my hair. My clean hair.
Wait, what's that you say? That is your hair clean!?
Turns out, there is about three inches of my head and hair that I cannot get un-greasy. IS THIS NORMAL? I washed my hair, let it air dry, slept on it, woke up with a perfect shiny pretty coif (INCLUDING MY BANGS WHICH ARE NEXT TO MY FOREHEAD WHICH IS THE GREASIEST PLACE ON THE HUMAN BODY EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT) except for the part you see.
Does anyone else have this problem? AM I A GREASY FREAK?
Also! Can anyone take a picture in this exact pose and not get a double chin like I have in this picture? I challenge you to try and then send me the pictures of your inevitable failure. #doublechinsforlife #twoisbetterthanone